
News from Netaxis Solutions

Discover the latest updates from Netaxis Solutions and the telecoms industry. From recent events to market updates, explore the emerging landscape of telecommunications through our engaging and informative content.

A hand

Netaxis Solutions are hiring

Netaxis Solutions, a fast growing company focussing on the telecoms carrier market, looks for VoIP integration, software and presales engineers. … Read More

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Speaker at Netaxis Inspiration Day

Netaxis Inspiration Day Antwerp – Wrap up

In this blog post, see how did the Netaxis Inspiration Day in Antwerp and summary of the event. … Read More

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Dory Centralized VoIP call generator

Ribbon Q21 Session Border Controller testing made easy using Netaxis’ Sigma centralized call generator

Sigma Centralized Call Simulator is a centralised VoIP traffic generator. See how Sigma helped Manchester based network operator M247. … Read More

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Netaxis Inspiration Day 2018

See the detailed agenda of Netaxis Inspiration Day in Antwerp and the most essential updates of each period. … Read More

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Trefor Davies

Netaxis Solutions wins prestigious ITSPA industry award

Netaxis win ITSPA Award for Best VoIP Infrastructure with our Nemo Suite of network monitoring products. … Read More

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Ribbon logo

Netaxis Solutions gains Ribbon Silver Partner Accreditation

Netaxis Solutions gains accreditation as Ribbon Silver Partners and are the only Ribbon Silver Partner in Europe addressing the Carrier Core Network space. … Read More

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ITSPA Awards

Netaxis are ITSPA Awards Finalist in 3 categories in 2018

Netaxis become finalists in three ITSPA Awards categories: Best VoIP Software, Best VoIP Innovation and Best VoIP Infrastructure. … Read More

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Fred Fraud

Wrap-up from Cavell Cloud Comms Summit

Netaxis were the Cavell Cloud Comms Summit Silver Sponsors. In this blog post, see who became the winner and how it went. … Read More

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Mobile world congress barcelona event featured image

Netaxis sponsor Cavell Cloud Comms Summit and ITSPA Awards 2018​

See forthcoming events for Netaxis in 2018: Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Cavell Cloud Comms Summit in London, and Internet Telephony Service Providers Association Awards 2018. … Read More

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Nemo dashboard

Brand new fully customizable Nemo dashboard is out now!​

Netaxis announce the release of new Network Monitoring Dashboard. Details in this post. … Read More

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A landscape

Register now for the Netaxis Carrier workshop​

Netaxis, Oracle, and Broadsoft welcome service providers to participate in Netaxis Carrier workshop: an entire day of case studies, new acquaintances, and opportunities. … Read More

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Mobile world congress barcelona event featured image

Come to visit Netaxis at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from 27 Feb to 2 Mar 2017 on Stand 7G71​

Great news for mobile network operators: Netaxis Solutions provides new Fixed Mobile Convergence solutions. See all the details in this blog post. … Read More

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