
News from Netaxis Solutions

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The voice of advanced communications

ITSPA rebrands as Comms Council UK

ITSPA, the trade association of the Internet Telephony Service Providers in the UK, has rebranded as Comms Council UK. What does the rebranding cover? … Read More

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Federico Legge

Session Routing Engine lead – Promotion for Federico Legge

Session Routing Engine – one of Netaxis’s critical engines for growth – gained new Lead Manager, Federico Legge. … Read More

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fuse2 charity event

Highest Microsoft Teams call attempt for charity sponsored by Netaxis

Netaxis customer Fuse2 Communications made the highest Microsoft Teams call for charity during ascent on Mount Lobuche East in Nepal sponsored by Netaxis. … Read More

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Trends Gazelles 2021

Netaxis ranked amongst fastest growing companies in Belgium

Trends Gazelles included Netaxis on the list of the fastest-growing companies in Belgium. See the selection criteria and details in the blog post. … Read More

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cavell cloud comms summit Europe 2021

Netaxis sponsor Cavell Cloud Comms Summit #CCSEurope21

In 2021, Netaxis sponsors a great telecoms industry networking event – Cavell Cloud Comms Summit. Tickets are free for Service Providers! … Read More

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Central Authority - Port out request - Approve - Inform others

Automated number portability extended to four countries

Netaxis extends automated number porting capability to four markets using Number Portability Automation solution. … Read More

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upgrade to Session Routing Engine

SRE 3.0 Major upgrade extends capabilities

Netaxis announces the release of Session Routing Engine upgrade with SRE 3.0. See the main architectural improvements of the update in the post. … Read More

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APIO video for WebexOne virtual conference

For Cisco’s WebexOne virtual event, Netaxis created a video on Netaxis ecosystem for BroadWorks built around APIO – Customer Self Care portal. … Read More

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People at the event

Netaxis chosen for elite business scale up programme

Netaxis is a 2020 Laureate for the BEyond business scale-up programme – an initiative of the Pulse Foundation. See the programme details in the blog post. … Read More

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ITSPA Awards 2020 Winner Netaxis Solutions

Netaxis wins ITSPA Award for best VoIP infrastructure with APIO Customer care portal for Cisco BroadWorks

Netaxis wins ITSPA Award for Best VoIP Infrastructure. See why Netaxis APIO is a powerful tool for services based on the Cisco BroadWorks Application Server. … Read More

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SIP Validation Rules

Improved Sigma VoIP call simulator

Meet a new major release of Sigma, VoIP call simulator product which includes a capability of building scenarios for conformance testing. … Read More

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ITSPA Awards ceremony

Netaxis APIO is finalist in 3 prestigious ITSPA Awards

Netaxis API Orchestrator becomes a finalist in three ITSPA Awards: Best Software, Best Infrastructure Solution and Best Innovation. … Read More

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