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Services built by Netaxis to complement Teams

See what Netaxis have done to complement Microsoft Teams: migration services, call forwarding, integration of LDAP server with Teams, and more. … Read More

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Microsoft Teams Lab setup includes Azure and AWS

Microsoft Teams Lab setup includes Azure and AWS

Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Lab at Netaxis extended to using Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. … Read More

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Trefor Davies

Direct routing for Teams has become a hot topic

Tref Davis talks about Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams and Commsverse – an online conference dedicated to the Microsoft teams ecosystem. … Read More

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STIR/SHAKEN implementation and issues

Struggling to understand what STIR/SHAKEN is? Learn what it is in simple words and how Netaxis can come in handy with managing robocalls. … Read More

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People having a discussion

The makings of a specialist VoIP company

The life of a VoIP company employee is pretty much special. Tref Davis tells about his three years at Netaxis – and what is so exciting about the company. … Read More

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Diagram request port in and port out

Number portability automation solutions by Netaxis

Read about the role of Netaxis APIO in mediating Cisco BroadWorks provisioning in the Telco IT landscape and automated Number Porting process. … Read More

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architecture apio

Why moving to Netaxis APIO can bring more value than just replacing Loki or UCEP portals

Netaxis APIO helps with Cisco BroadWorks Unified Communications projects, simplifying the complex procedures and accelerating your business growth. … Read More

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Unusual times in which we live

Covid has changed everyone’s reality to the core. For the telecom industry, including Netaxis, the lockdown has turned out to be a hectic time. … Read More

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APIO for Broadworks – integration made easy

Learn in detail the two-step provisioning approach to leverage Netaxis APIO – mediation layer between network elements. … Read More

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APIO as a Loki replacement

Using APIO as a Loki replacement

Use of APIO as a Loki replacement This post discusses the use of Netaxis APIO as a replacement for the Cisco Broadwords Loki provisioning platform. Cisco Broadworks Cisco Broadworks is a SIP based voice and UC platform, originally built by … Read More

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engo fraud management system

International Premium Rate Fraud database

Netaxis Fraud Management System – Engo – help detect and manage a number of types of fraud. See how. … Read More

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SRE case study – AQL

AQL are a leading UK VoIP Wholesaler Headquartered in Leeds, Yorkshire. They have multiple POPs in both the North and the South of the UK and are successfully working with Channel Partners to migrate customers across from the rapidly declining TDM world to IP. … Read More

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