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Thoroughly modern routing engines make life easier for telcos

Modern routing engines can simplify your life in telco industry: support for REST APIs, micropayment model, centralized routing, and more. In this post, see how Netaxis Session Routing Engine works. … Read More

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Faroese Telecom

Faroese Telecom choose Netaxis APIO for BroadWorks automation

Faroese Telecom is the leading telco on the Faroe Islands with a large installed base of Cisco BroadWorks customers. APIO from Netaxis provides them with a fully automated provisioning for Cisco BroadWorks. … Read More

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CLI validation service by Netaxis: Control your surcharges

With Ofcom introducing origin-based surcharges for internationally originated calls to UK numbers, CLI Validation Service by Netaxis appears to reduce extra fees. … Read More

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Legends, not laggards

Netaxis helps ensure a bright and promising future for your BroadWorks platform – one of the most open and extensible platforms in the market. See how.
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SIP 101 – What’s it for?

SIP Trunk, SIP URI, User agent, PBX, RTP, Codec, RFC… If you’re struggling with terms, see this blog post to learn what these are and how you can use them with Netaxis. … Read More

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netaxis solutions

Cloud based telecoms growing in interest

The growing interest in cloud-based telecoms leads to the appearance of more As a Service options for telco customers. See what Netaxis has to offer. … Read More

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User management - Migration - Single pane of glass

Webex for Broadworks integration made easy

The growth in video conferencing led to the increasing popularity of Webex. See how Netaxis APIO helps BroadWorks customers integrate new functionality into services. … Read More

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telecommunication tower

What to know about the different types of telecoms fraud

Wangiri Fraud, International Revenue Share Fraud, False Answer Supervision, and other types of telecoms fraud – read the detailed description of each in this blog post. … Read More

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Fraud detection using Artificial Intelligence

Telecoms fraud detection using artificial intelligence

See how Netaxis can help you prevent telecoms fraud with ENGO telecoms fraud mitigation service and Artificial Intelligence. … Read More

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fuse2 charity event

Highest Microsoft Teams call attempt for charity sponsored by Netaxis

Netaxis customer Fuse2 Communications made the highest Microsoft Teams call for charity during ascent on Mount Lobuche East in Nepal sponsored by Netaxis. … Read More

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Netaxis Session Routing Engine – Simple automation

Netaxis customer, Fuse2 Communications, offers wholesale and retail VoIP services in the UK. They are one of the first Service Providers in the UK to provide Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams. … Read More

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night city

Simplify Automate Accelerate

Learn how Netaxis simplifies life for their customers, automates services, and accelerates business success in the telephone communication industry. … Read More

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